Community Relations and the Troubles in Northern Ireland, A Policy History


Directrice : Hélène LAPLACE-CLAVERIE

helene.laplace-claverie @   


Directrice adjointe : Emilie GUYARD

emilie.guyard @


Secrétariat :

Muriel Guyonneau


Ingénieur d'études :

Anne-Claire Cauhapé


Appui à la Politique de Recherche :

Marie-Manuelle Marcos



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Laboratoire de recherche ALTER
Arts/Langages : Transitions & Relations - UR 7504
Collège Sciences Sociales et Humanités
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
Avenue du Doyen Poplawski
BP 1160
64013 Pau Cedex

Community Relations and the Troubles in Northern Ireland, A Policy HistoryJoana Etchart

Community relations policy has been an almost permanent feature in Northern Ireland since 1969, yet it has rarely been considered as an object of study. This book provides historical depth to its analysis, by documenting the various manifestations of the notion of community relations in public policy during the Troubles period. Drawing on a variety of written and oral primary and secondary sources, it offers a unique, rich perspective on the meaning and intent behind community relations policy at certain critical junctures. In addition, by examining this period through the lens of one policy, the book sheds light on important questions such as who intervened in policy-making during the conflict, who sought to influence the process and, eventually, who took the decisions. It also considers the varied roles played by community workers.

This meticulous analysis reveals previously unknown aspects of the evolution of community relations policy and presents a compelling micro-history of policy-making and governance during the Troubles in Northern Ireland.

Liverpool University Press 

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